I've decided to finally finish up this navy Pioneer Braid that's been hanging around for-EVER as a set of five panels. I found these fabric "bricks" at a quilt guild auction and could not pass them up. I think I paid maybe $1.25 for a huge bag of them. I was immediately excited to start a Pioneer Braid...so excited that I didn't even consult a pattern, I just decided I wanted a navy background. I cut up navy squares and started building up the braids. Unfortunately, as a newer quilter, I didn't quite get the dimensions correct, so what's going to happen when I put the panels together is that the points on one side are going to be obliterated, for the most part, since very few have a quarter-inch seam available. You know what? That's ok. I will still love it. As for settings, let's take a look at some options. Option 1 are the alternating rows. Every other panel goes up, down. I'm finding this setting makes me slightly seasick. Opt...